Sunday, December 25, 2011

Road to Arkansas--Christmas Quilts

My cousins, Bobbie and Joyce,  from Arizona came to see me this past summer and we got to talking quilts.  They liked this pattern and wanted  a green one and a blue one so I worked on it tll I liked the results.  They are twin bed size and made of cotton.  Bobbie likes the look of the ties so I tied them.  I could imagine them being quilted with pretty designs but made them like the girls said they wanted.  It was a fun project and I proved to myself that I can do this.  I am a beginner in quilts and needed a simple pattern to help me get over my nervousness.  I hope they like the finished products! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Quilt or Comforter?

So what is the difference between a quilt and a comforter?  I was told that if it is quilted it is a quilt.  If it is tied, it is a comforter.  This one is definately tied.  It is heavy and has a sheet on the back which is folded over on the edges.  Even though it has a lot of dark fabrics in it, I think the yellows and golds really brighten it up.  It measures 89" long and 77" wide.